Back to school, not only for our own kids but also for 11 kids of the families we are housing in Sindos/Greece and some who regularly come to our Community Center.

For these kids it is not a normal September and they won’t nag that it’s back to school after long holidays, for some of them it’s back to school after long years of not being able to attend school at all.

They are happy and curious about what they will learn and the kids they will meet in class. In a small village it must be hard as everybody knows each other for years and you are now the new one, the one even not speaking the same language.

Luckily kids are curious and open minded and this is the key to a successful integration and to a better life.

We are super happy and we are proud of our team on the ground who could manage to get all of “our kids” a place in the local schools.

This is not just an exiting time but also a time of high expenses for getting all materials needed for schooling.

A big THANK YOU goes to ASLAM, RUHI and the PUPILS of the former 6b at the GERMAN SCHOOL LONDON for supporting us, with donations dedicated to BACK TO SCHOOL.

We wish all kids a super exciting school year 2017/18 and hope you are all going to make great class mates!