With 1000 euros, we can provide a healthy meal for 5,000 people.

We are raising funds for Hot Food Idomeni, who are providing a hot meal every day for people who are currently living in the Greek Idomeni refugee camp close to the Macedonian border.

We are shocked by the situation that many people are currently finding themselves in. This is one of the biggest global humanitarian crisis we encounter today and we strongly believe that even a small gesture can help to make a difference.

Before Easter two of us initiated a crowdfunding to raise money to take along to Greece and bring it directly to the charities that work in Idomeni.
Lena and her husband Wolfgang, along with their daughter Elena, distributed the money personally. At the camp they got to know Barry from Hot food Idomeni and were amazed what he and his team are doing on a day to day basis. Barry and his team provide nutritious meals for people who no longer have the means to cook for themselves.
Realising that not only money was needed but helping hands, Lena and her family decided to change their holiday plans and stay for three days to help, prepare and distribute the food.

We are going to work along with Barry and his team from the 19th to the 22nd of May. If you can spare anything, please donate now and we will make sure it gets there, and helps our fellow humans in need.