On the occasion of the one year of the Sindos Community Centre’s operation, IsraAid, Be A Robin and Three Peas want to celebrate our team efforts and our accomplishments with all those who love us, and we love them back.
Therefore, we would like to invite you to celebrate together this special day on Tuesday the 23d of April, at 12:30 pm.
Come and dance with us, taste delicious homemade food cooked by our community members, drink various refreshments and beverages, and let us all have fun together!!!
In April 2018 IsraAid Hellas and Be A Robin took over the management of the Community Centre in Sindos. Three Peas, who was until then the manager of Tamam Community Centre, is ever since a silent partner that is supporting financially, while IsraAid and Be A Robin make sure on the ground that everything is running smoothly.

Today in Northern Greece there are more than 8000 registered refugees, with the vast majority of them staying in the area of Thessaloniki. Alone in the area of Sindos, a suburb of Thessaloniki, live approximately 500 refugees, all of whom reside in proximity to Sindos Community Centre. The biggest challenges that the population faces are lack of language skills (Greek and English), opportunities to receive formal education, gain employment and become socialized within the local community.
The Sindos Community Centre is the only local institution providing informal education in Greek and English, offering IT and music classes, CV workshops and a Child Friendly Space for the young children as well as psychological support to the whole community. Most of the classes and activities are led by the refugees themselves; with the assistance of our psychologists and facilitators they have become active members and leaders of the community. For all those visiting the centre, this is a vibrant and bustling place, which provides a safe space for all the community members, and people of every age and gender can socialize and support each other.
There are several nationalities visiting the Sindos Community Centre like from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kurdistan, Turkey, Congo and Morocco. The centre has registered 450 Community Members in its platform all of whom have received their Community Membership Cards that gives them access to all the services provided.