I heard about your upcoming auction, and have now heard about you. I think it is a great idea and a very important cause. I too have been feeling powerless to help but you have got up and done something about it. Well done. I sent a link to my daughter’s nursery so they can spread it to their database of parents. I’m really sad I won’t be able to come on Friday as I am working but I would like to know if I can help in the future in any way.
Thanks, Ruth
AUTHOR: Ruth Contractor
AUTHOR EMAIL: ruthcontractor@gmail.com
SUBJECT: Contact
[1_Name] => Ruth Contractor
[2_Email address] => ruthcontractor@gmail.com
[3_Your Comment or Enquiry] => I heard about your upcoming auction, and have now heard about you. I think it is a great idea and a very important cause. I too have been feeling powerless to help but you have got up and done something about it. Well done. I sent a link to my daughter’s nursery so they can spread it to their database of parents. I’m really sad I won’t be able to come on Friday as I am working but I would like to know if I can help in the future in any way.
Thanks, Ruth
[4_Tick this box to receive updates from Three Peas] => Yes