I have read your blog post about sponsoring a family. I would like to support you with a monthly donation but cannot find your bank account details on the webs site. Could you provide that to me?
Also I want to say that you are doing great and important work and it’s good to see that in times our politicians try to close Europe’s borders some people still care!
Best regards,
Thomas Michel.
AUTHOR: Thoms Michel
AUTHOR EMAIL: thomas.michel@vermessung-michel.de
SUBJECT: Contact
[1_Name] => Thoms Michel
[2_Email address] => thomas.michel@vermessung-michel.de
[3_Your Comment or Enquiry] => Hi,
I have read your blog post about sponsoring a family. I would like to support you with a monthly donation but cannot find your bank account details on the webs site. Could you provide that to me?
Also I want to say that you are doing great and important work and it’s good to see that in times our politicians try to close Europe’s borders some people still care!
Best regards,
Thomas Michel.
[4_Tick this box to receive updates from Three Peas] => Yes